

Around our house, it is a big deal that only Mommy and Daddy get to kiss on the lips. If you ask the kiddos why, they'll tell you it's because we're married.

Of course, that doesn't stop them from trying to steal kisses on our lips and then yelling, "Oooh, yuck, I kissed you on your lips." (I've also been known to get in on that immature behavior from time to time. I can't help it, I just love to see my little ones laugh, even if I do give them cooties!)
So, I knew we were in for some silly moments when I passed out the Valentine treats Grandma sent in the mail. The treats were much like Ring Pops, but instead of being attached to a ring, they were attached to red plastic lips.

Before long, Ann and Chris were trying to "kiss" each other. Fortunately, I was nearby with the camera. I love this shot because it perfectly portrays the moment. Ann is laughing and encouraging the "kiss," however, she is also a bit disgusted by it. You can tell that by how she is pushing her harm against her brother. She doesn't want him to get too close!

He, of course, loves that his sister is a bit disgusted and is grabbing her to make sure she doesn't get away. That kid could write a book on how to be the stereotypical little brother! (But they do love each other dearly!)

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

Please be sure to head over to Cheryl's at Twinfatuation to see more Makes-My-Monday posts.

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