
Uh-Oh, It's a Project

My kitchen is trashed and I couldn't be happier.
After all, it means that we're on our way to getting the kitchen painted. In fact, we got the wallpaper torn down today. Now, all that stands between a fun red kitchen and me are a coat of gray-tinted primer and at least two coats of red paint. Well, that and my tendency to be a pro at starting projects and very much an amateur at finishing them.

At one point today, Tony, who has taken the week off from work, was kindly using his vacation time to work on the kitchen. I, on the other hand, had wandered from the kitchen and was organizing Ann's closet. Clearly the kitchen will look better if Ann's closet, which couldn't be further from the kitchen unless it were in my neighbor's house, is nice and tidy.

Fortunately, I was able to refocus and joined Tony in the kitchen. Here is a little picture of our project underway.

And, a close-up of the wallpaper. It just isn't my style.

With any luck, by the end of the week, I'll be able to post a picture of the finished kitchen. And, who knows, my closets may be organized too.

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