
Half Full

Yesterday I said I would do my best to have a heart full kind of day.


Let's just say I was quite productive. Isn't that great? I read with the children. We went to Bible Study. I did a little laundry and some cleaning. I was even able to deep clean Chris's room while Ann and Chris played together and Jane took an extra long nap.

I cleaned all of the things that were contaminated by Chris's poop episode at nap time.

Really, the walls, carpet, dresser, bedding, light switches, door, doorknob, toys, shoes, rocking chair, stuffed animals, and the boy, especially the boy, needed to be cleaned anyways. It has been nearly a year since I deep cleaned his room. (Please note that the boy gets cleaned a little more often.)

Now, how is that for looking at the glass half full?

Hope your day smelled better than mine.

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