
Tips From the Other Side of Potty Training

I am not a naturally laid back person. Just ask my family!

Therefore, it surprised me that I was so laid back in my approach to potty training my children. Truly, I read very little about it, which isn't like me at all! I just went with the flow (oops, bad word choice!).

It also surprised me that for a mama who was so nonchalant about the process, I sure had a lot to write about it! You can read my tips here.

And, for the record, you can be laid back about potty training and still have all your children trained no later than two and a half years of age. I promise!


Afternoon Happiness

After a long day filled with all sorts of discipline issues, it makes me so happy to look up from where I'm folding laundry to see my three children playing happily together. I hope it lasts a while!


I had great plans to blog everyday in January and then frequently in February. Well...It's the thought that counts, right? Except, of course, that it really isn't, but that's the way it goes sometimes!

Meanwhile, we spent our time enjoying or at least trying to enjoy many, many snow days and several bitter cold days. We got into the routine of driving rather than walking to school. In fact, today was the first day we walked since before Christmas Break! Spring can't come fast enough.

Perhaps my favorite part of all the snow days was the extra time I was able to spend reading with my children. We read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in a week. We celebrated finishing the story by baking cupcakes and watching the old movie with Gene Wilder. It was such fun! Little Jane has been walking around pretending to give everyone golden tickets. It's too cute!

The other thing I loved about all the snow days was the time my children spent getting reacquainted. They spend so much of their days in school that their time for free play together is limited. It was special to see them play together and use their imaginations. For the first time, Jane was truly in the mix as a nearly equal playmate.

Perhaps Jane was able to join in so well because she recently turned three. There is something about the time around a birthday when kids just start to act a bit older. Perhaps there is a secret memo that kids get that parents don't see? Anyways, little Jane is every bit the three year old and that is good and challenging!

For the past few weeks, Jane has been waking up just before six o' clock. This isn't much fun, but it is hard to complain when you hear a cheerful voice calling out, "The sun is shining!"

And so life with three still somewhat young children continues. It isn't getting quite as easy as I'd hoped it would be three years ago when we had three children three and under. However, I love them more everyday. Cheesy, but very, very true.

Ice Cream on Just the Floor?

I found it funny when Ann told me she spilled a little ice cream on the floor. We both had a good laugh when she saw her face in the mirror.

We were wondering how there was any left to spill or even eat. Maybe it all slipped out through that cute front-toothless grin!


Funny Boy Full of Confidence

Yesterday afternoon, Chris asked me where his "Slappy Joe," was. Needless to say, I was absolutely puzzled.

A few minutes later, after he described it to me, I realized he was asking for his Silly Putty. Tony and I laughed and told him what it was really called.

"That's okay," he said. "I'm still going to call it Slappy Joe," he informed us. And, he did.

It was a small example of his easy confidence. His determination has made him quite an adventure to raise, but I have no doubt, that with God's help, that little boy will do great things.

Don't be too surprised if one day you hear people everywhere calling Silly Putty "Slappy Joe." You'll know it started with a silly little boy with a big heart and a love for all things goofy.