
Say No to Rugs!

As my little man and I drove home from church, we discussed the Bible lesson. I taught the second and third graders today, so I knew the details of the lesson and got to worship with Ann and Chris during Kids' Worship. So...

On the way home, I began talking about the lesson. We discussed the example of Elvis working with President Nixon on an anti-drug campaign. Of course, my little man had no idea what drugs were. In fact, this was the first he'd heard of them. Since the lesson also talked about Elvis dying of a drug overdose, I had some explaining to do! (And no, I have no idea who does the lessons! Our church combines kindergarten through fifth grade for large group, so...)

Anyways, I thought we'd had quite a good discussion about God wanting us to do the right thing and drugs being bad, etc. I was quite impressed with my son's listening abilities. Then...

"Mom, we use rugs in our house for decorating and stuff, but that's okay, right?" he asked.

I almost lost it. Did he seriously think we'd just had a conversation about rugs? (I'm laughing even now as I type this.)

It's a good thing I'm fairly certain he won't be introduced to drugs next year as a kindergartner. Hopefully, he won't become scared of rugs either! Kids are too funny!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

That is quite a story for a K. Actually that is quite a story for a 5th grader. hum...
Love the rugs. God has a way of protecting little ears!