
This Little Blog of Mine...

I'm going to let it shine...

Okay, that really has nothing to do with anything, but it keeps going through my head. (Yes, I'm a dork and I'm okay with that!)

I miss blogging! Three years ago, I started out blogging frequently even through the birth of my third child in a little over three years. Almost daily posts helped me to see the sweetness in my crazy life filled with diapers and sleepless nights. Slowly, the novelty of both this blogging thing and my new life wore off.

At night or in the early morning, I found myself worn out, unable to view my life through rose-colored glasses. This made me so sad because my life was and is truly blessed. That lead to guilt which didn't lead to motivation to blog!

Late last spring, we dealt with behavior issues with one of our kiddos that consumed our life. In August, that kiddo started a school program where our precious little one is thriving beyond my expectations! Yet, adjusting to school schedules and Tony traveling quite a bit made for a crazy late summer and early fall.

Then, right around Halloween, I noticed my cold seemed to be lingering. Once I was hit with a stomach bug, I knew it was time to take myself to the doctor. I had pneumonia and a stomach bug! It was a wake up call to me to not take things for granted. I spent four days doing nothing but watching television and reading while my wonderful husband kept things afloat. Funny how four days of not being able to do the daily grind will make you want to do it!

The thing that really made me miss blogging was wading through more that 1200 pictures of my family. I'm in the process of putting together digital photo albums for Christmas gifts for our extended family. (Procrastinate much?) As I edit these pictures, I smile and laught and get a bit sad that time is moving so quickly. I want to capture life as best as I can and for me, that involves writing here.

I'm not sure who still comes around to check what is going on in our lives, but I'm glad you do. It's been a crazy year, for sure, but looking back, aside from the severe lack of sleep, I don't think I'd change a thing. My hands are still full, though not with the same things as three years ago, but my heart is more than full, it's bursting!

This will be one of the places I share some of that joy.

Happy Friday!


Daneen said...

awwww - love you Lizz! Love your sweet kiddos, too. Welcome back!

allie :^) said...

looking thru pics of your kids does tend to have that effect! :) bursting hearts, that is. :)

Piper Paradise said...

I have you in my google reader. When your new post popped up, I smiled. Nice to have you back :-)

Elizabeth said...

I can relate...
And I am glad to hear from you!
We just bought a Sing-a-ma-jig for a friend that sings "this little light of mine" cute.
Now the song is stuck in MY head.
God's Blessings for Christmas!